Monday, December 14, 2009

What Does Almond Milkdo To Cervical Mucus



GEOMETRY literally means the measure of the earth and somehow we can say that everything is geometry because everything can be measured. That is what makes the human mind to measure, evaluate and name things.

Our Mind is an expert in these tasks, continually asking questions and during the process of finding Answers discover patterns and laws inherent in the world of forms.

The universe is based on laws that are in geometry. These laws make: ORDER, balance and harmony, so when we observe and study the geometry on paper gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow these laws work in full. As above, so below.

Geometry is also a logical function of the right hemisphere, so when we approach it consciously, both hemispheres are interested in the same subject without losing its special way of thinking and seeing the world.

are two opposing eyes that are unified when "geometrized" is ie, when the numbers they give form and relate them to each other according to mathematical formulas that are themselves intelligent patterns.

Geometry Aware, expressed in a drawing-form intelligence contained in a pattern.

When we look at the geometry on our drawing board with ruler and compass, we are creating a laboratory where we discover the behavior of the shapes, numbers, ratios and patterns relating to the order, balance and harmony.

For the simple fact consciously draw a circle with a bar or allow the hand to draw on paper or any other figure colored a mandala based on Geometry Aware, the properties of these forms are transferred to our consciousness by the principle of resonance. At a subtle level integrate these characteristics in us.

The observation of these laws on paper, gives us an understanding of how this can work there "upstairs." Geometry can be converted into a meditation technique to understand how the order, balance and harmony in the forms work and how it affects me.

thoughts and forms, are made of the same "material."

Latif - Vicente Jesús Sáenz

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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AWARE workshops in Madrid, Tenerife and VITORIA

... and awaken your creativity.

MEDITATION If you like and you're curious about geometry;
if you like and are curious GEOMETRY meditation;
if you're just CURIOS @ ...

... discover the geometry is a logical function of the right hemisphere and that the "geometrize", both hemispheres are interested in a theme harmonizing with each other without losing their particular way of seeing the world. The

COSMOS is based on laws that are in the GEOMETRY. These laws make: ORDER, BALANCE and HARMONY , which is why when we look consciously shapes on paper, you can get an idea and imagine how these laws work in ALL.

study the development of the Golden Mean, the spiral, the Fibonacci numbers and their secrets. In addition we will experience meditations specially created for "TUNE."

the conscious mind becomes sensitive when "Magic Tune of Geometry" and thus the understanding reached in silence to your heart.

GEOMETRY AWARE: UNION BRIDGE between heart and mind, Thinking with the Heart and Feel with the Mind

An interactive workshop and practical to understand, in-incorporate and use in everyday life
Laws expressed in Geometry and produce:

ORDER, balance and harmony.

Created and presented by: "Latif" - Vicente Jesús Sáenz
Based on the book: the MAGIC TUNED GEOMETRY

Monday, August 24, 2009

How Do I Know My Laptop Specification


Dear Friends,
after meeting inter-dimensional light grid Argentina in Capilla del Monte (Córdoba) and grateful for your support and for all the experiences I want to share with you a Mandala Geometric Coloring.
drawn with dots I submit that with your hand and go about drawing the picture.
I call it "Union of Souls" and he tells you how to use it. You can give your personal use and so it can give to alguienm recalling that the intention imprinted both conscious and unconscious that you put into it.
Enjoy it,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why Does It Sting When I Pee Brown Discharge

Dear friend @ @:

This image in front of you is a vehicle used as Geometric Mandala to convey without words "in-training" received on the afternoon of May 2, 2009 in San Rafael, Mendoza province in Argentina, during the regional meeting of the Network of Light. Mandala-

This message serves (paid service) to raise the vibration of people, water, land, food, animals, homes and places of work when you use it consciously and put your will and intention it.

You can print, drawing, photograph, display, paint and copy but please leave it as is. Use it when, how and where you feel you should. If you let it, he will guide you. No instruction manual brings no limitations of use.

I like attracts like and when we engage in consciously raise our vibration, we issued an information to the Universe for everything that is in resonance with us will bring us closer.

If you consider it opportune, gift and share it also with all those who want to attach this short text.

... is a seed we are sowing ...


Monday, March 30, 2009

Chinese English Verb List

>>> NEW BOOK \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

now available AWARE GEOMETRY new book.

His name is: TIME SPIRAL and

It find among other things:

.- Simple geometry descriptions to understand how and where it comes from the golden spiral.
.- A visual narrative made with spirals to meditate and feel the geometry.
.- 24 mandalas to color, made all the same spiral ordered and combined in different ways. These mandalas are designed to make the color that create the form.

CONTENTS Foreword by Dana Tir Fol Fol

Geometry Aware Nature is not like the Golden Mean spiral

Spiral Time Spiral and
The Language of Geometry Coloring Mandalas
Using the Mandala as

Harmonizer Request Info



Time stand still, as space is quieto.No comes from nowhere nor will any parte.Sólo is our language that says the time pasa.De fact, we we who are going, time is quieto.El Time stand still, only the mind moves.


Friday, March 13, 2009

All Right Meg, Let's Have A Look At That Bergina


PEACE: where heaven and earth meet.

is a collection of cards from 9.5 cm x 9.5 cm and 30cm x 30cm posters with eight models Mandalas made according to criteria of Geometry Aware, transferring Order, Balance and Harmony around.

The can use:

To harmonize spaces, food and water.

contemplate and relax to look at them.

To put in your place of work or rest.

In any case, these are just some suggestions. Most importantly, always follow your intuition and listen to the directions that each Mandala is offering you at all times. ***

If you are interested in this collection for private use or for distribution, you can contact me at:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Chiquis Fulfilled Dreams is a family company in full growth and development. Focused on meeting the desires and dreams of the little ones, without neglecting the needs of the largest. That is why, we rely on three pillars, safety, health and responsibility.

Our main goal is to create a world of dreams and happiness for our Chiquis, therefore we strive every day to provide the best service.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Office Removal Of Cervical Polyp

coherent harmonized

THE COHERECIA of geometry and the principle of resonance.

Each shape emits a vibration and each vibration creates a shape.

geometric shapes, have proportions, patterns, and precise angles. When such a figure the condition that all points are equidistant from a central point, called a circle while that if we say it has 4 sides equal and parallel 2 to 2 and the angles are also equal, then we speak of a square.

a certain way, always going to be long as it meets very specific conditions, that is the consistency and therefore will always give the same energy, as does a color or a musical note.

We are sensitive to all kinds of vibrations that come from outside and also continuously emit musical instruments as if we

If we are in a place that gives bad vibes, vibrating too bad and end up experiencing uncomfortable feelings, whereas if we surround ourselves harmonics of objects and places, that will ultimately be our experience.

This is because the principle of resonance and we see in some stringed musical instruments. When 2 strings are tuned the same note, pressing one, the other vibrates without any physical contact existed.

Harmonizer Consistent Each is designed with precise geometric patterns based on principles of:

ORDER, balance and harmony.

These are the qualities and this is the in-training pass around.

The in-formation has the characteristics of a vibration and also creates and shapes. The converse is also true: the shape emits a vibration.

The Harmonizer Consistent subtly transfers this information and the environment as our body, is receiving and adding to endorse them.


Our brain is made up of 2 hemispheres and each of them has different functions.

The left is logical, mathematical, active, focused on details, measured and calculated while the right is intuitive, abstract, responsive, provides the global and meditate.

Geometry is a logical function of the right hemisphere. Geometry features are similar to those of the left hemisphere but in the end, numbers, patterns, logic and mathematical formulas are transformed into an image that is captured in its entirety by the right hemisphere. With

geometry, the 2 hemispheres can work together and be involved in one task at a time while each held on a different aspect.

While the left hemisphere is pending logical number and details of a geometric figure, the right hemisphere provides the image and meditate.

The Geometry Aware "invites the hemisphere subtle logical and easy to get into meditation.

can use the coherent harmonized to prepare the mind before meditation or to display during the meeting. It is also useful at any time of day, focus his eyes on him to relax your mind while you let the "in-training" is being added.


'll find 3 Harmonizers, of different sizes. The 3 function simultaneously as they are related.

The tiny, carrying in a purse or bag for you to have always near you.

The medium can take it with you, for example in the car or in your luggage if you travel a lot or be in any particular place in your house, like the bedroom, working area or space to devote to meditation.

The largest is designed to blend in where you live and you can put in the entrance, living room, kitchen, etc.

are especially useful to bring water, food, medicine and the body itself. To do this, place them near or in direct contact with them.

These are just some suggestions. The most important thing is to make things easier for your intuition and feel what the place and right time to use them.

harmonizing themselves will guide you.

If you want to share your experiences,
write to:

Thanks for having reached this

Prepare For Drinking Night

An intuitive and practical manual to integrate into daily life, Order, Balance and harmony of numbers and shapes.

Geometry is a language in itself and the words we fall short when we use to describe it. This book with its illustrations are an invitation to open your senses to the information that is based on these figures and is hoping to awaken within you.

The golden ratio spiral, stars 5 and 8 points, the number 9, with simple instructions for drawing them with your own hand and hence penetrate its essence for the Magic Tune geometry.

A journey where your own receptivity will take you step by step, to discover how the "forms" around you can influence your life as a whole emits a vibration and in turn, each vibration creates a shape.

A key to awaken your creativity and sensitivity to the world of Sacred Geometry.


Author: Vicente Jesús Sáenz - Latif

Published in Ourense (Spain) for: "A sentence d'agua, Edicións."

Distributed in Spain by: Tandem SLI
SL, Sabadell, tel. 937 109 278

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hemoglobin And The Liver

The First Book of Geometry Workshop


... and awaken your creativity.

If you like MEDITATION and feel curious about the world of forms and

if you like GEOMETRY and are curious by MEDITATION ;

if you're just CURIOS @ ...

... discover the geometry is a logical function of the right hemisphere and
MEDITATION uniting geometry, we
facilitating the integration of our two hemispheres.

An interactive and practical workshop to understand, in-incorporate and use in everyday life
laws expressed in the Geometry and produce:

ORDER, balance and harmony.

The golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers, the spiral ... and much more along with specially created meditations for "TUNE."

There is a stream to which we belong.
Living in the present, we flow in harmony with it.

A workshop created and presented by: "Latif" - Vicente Jesús Sáenz


http://www. /

Bring: pencil, ruler, compass, scissors, colored pencils and graph paper.

(Argentina) 0261 15 3331531

Birthday Wish For 20 Year Old Son

Conscious Tunes with MAGIC

The cosmos is based on laws that are expressed through geometry. These laws make: Order, Balance and Harmony.

The geometry is a logical function of the right hemisphere. When we use the geometry of a conscious, both hemispheres are involved in the same issue although each continues to pursue from its own work and his way, so different from one another.

The left hemisphere is interested in numbers, the details, it is logical and active while the right like most poetry, the abstract, the full form and is receptive.

are included in the geometry of these features simultaneously and this allows the two hemispheres are integrated and "stop fighting among themselves."

This integration brings practical benefits directly, rising and awakening the creative capacity of our brain.

geometry means earth measure. One of the occupations of the Human Mind has been to measure and name everything. Everything is measurable by our mind and therefore is also said that everything is geometry.

The workshop we will share, explore and experiment with exercises, skills and flexibility of our mind. When our logical hemisphere have enough information, begin to open ourselves to meditation from the "empty space" that is generated from one number to another, with meditations specifically designed for this workshop.