Monday, March 30, 2009

Chinese English Verb List

>>> NEW BOOK \u0026lt;\u0026lt;\u0026lt;

now available AWARE GEOMETRY new book.

His name is: TIME SPIRAL and

It find among other things:

.- Simple geometry descriptions to understand how and where it comes from the golden spiral.
.- A visual narrative made with spirals to meditate and feel the geometry.
.- 24 mandalas to color, made all the same spiral ordered and combined in different ways. These mandalas are designed to make the color that create the form.

CONTENTS Foreword by Dana Tir Fol Fol

Geometry Aware Nature is not like the Golden Mean spiral

Spiral Time Spiral and
The Language of Geometry Coloring Mandalas
Using the Mandala as

Harmonizer Request Info



Time stand still, as space is quieto.No comes from nowhere nor will any parte.Sólo is our language that says the time pasa.De fact, we we who are going, time is quieto.El Time stand still, only the mind moves.



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