Friday, January 15, 2010

Cost Of Wart Removal On Dog


spaces Mandalas to harmonize with the 5 elements.


The movement of the 5 elements.

For the ancient Chinese culture, all creation is made up of 5 elements closely related to each other where each of them directly or indirectly influences the other 4. As it is not static but dynamic relationship is more appropriate to speak of MOV.

Each element corresponds to a color, material, form, image, feeling, etc.. and each of these 5 mandalas created by Geometry aware with their shapes and colors, represents one of them for producing the effect subtle level.

At home, in a room at the workplace, in food and in any process of everyday life, it is important that the relationship between the 5 elements is balanced, ie they are present in quantities similar to that there is harmony in the space. When one dominates or scarce in relation to others, it will feel its effects. If that is what you need is perfect but if not, there will to compensate for the excess or defect with anything else and that is done under the law of the cycles of Creation and Control. Look around how they are related and how it affects you and use these laws as your intention. Here I show you some examples.

FIRE. Mother Earth. Son of Wood. Controls the metal.

EARTH. Mother of Metal. Daughter of Fire. Water Controls.

METAL. Mother of Water. Son of Earth. Wood controls.

WATER. Mother
Wood. Daughter of Metal. Controls Fire.

WOOD. Madre del Fuego. Water daughter. Controls the Earth.

If somewhere in your house feel a lack of warmth and joy (Fire), you can compensate by adding elements of wood, and the creative cycle that feeds the fire. You can also remove some of Earth, not to consume so much fire.

If, however, that there is an excess of fire in all its aspects, the element used to turn off the excess water as seen in the control cycle. You can also add soil to absorb the heat.

If only it were the Cycle Creation, growth of the elements would be continuous and upset the natural balance. The Cycle of control, as its name implies, limits the growth and keeps each element in balance with the other preventing one of them predominates over.

Each room in the house has its own peculiarities but it is also important to consider the nature and sensitivity of people who use and inhabit.

predominates in the bathroom and if water is too much for you, use Earth to control, prevent metal to keep the power and also used the wood to absorb.

The cooking element is Fire. The balance will come to control it with water, remove wood and increase Earth.

For the bedroom and other spaces, follow your intuition along with those cycles as simple taking into account that everything is in constant motion. While maintaining the natural order, there is harmony and when broken, it produces the imbalance and disharmony, and that affects our lives.

* * * * *

Using the Mandala of the 5 Elements.

My advice is that you apply the cycles of creation and control laws described by following your intuition and imagination to play with because it always works but I would also make some suggestions.

5 mandalas can distribute throughout the house in different places, following the same order as they relate to the 5 elements. Something like if your whole house contained a large mandala creator of Harmony for all and all that is contained in it be impregnated with it. Start at the place where you spend more time and feel that is the most appropriate. From there you distribute the rest of the mandalas as you go feeling.

also can group them to form a pentagon and in a place that is important, both at home and in your workplace, to bring from there the whole environment, a pitcher of water, food, etc..

spaces we inhabit are our second skin and your health will also affect us. Just that you pay a little attention and harmonizing Mandalas do the rest.


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