Monday, May 31, 2010

Leroi 125 Air Compressors

geometric mandalas TO BRING YOUR LIFE

GEOMETRY literally means land measurement. Therefore, we can say that everything is geometry because everything can be measured. This is one of the functions of the mind: measure, compare and evaluate.
COSMOS is based on laws that are expressed in geometry. These laws make: ORDER, balance and harmony. When we look at and study the geometry on paper we can get an idea and see how these laws work in ALL. As above, so below.
Geometry is also a logical function of the right hemisphere, so we approached it consciously, both hemispheres are interested in a theme harmonizing with each other without losing their particular way of thinking and perceiving the world. Two opposing eyes that are unified when "geometrized", ie when give them the numbers and shapes relate to each other according to mathematical formulas that are themselves intelligent patterns.
thoughts and forms, are made of the same "material."
These Mandalas are drawn according to principles of geometry AWARE and if used consciously and deliberately, the information contained in them back to you by the principle of resonance.
Mandalas can use these spaces to decorate and bring them close to you and because there is a transfer of the ORDER, balance and harmony present in their shapes, symmetries, numbers, proportions and patterns. Subtly and according to your intention, these qualities will be incorporated into your life and your environment.
The mind becomes sensitive when "Magic Tune of Geometry" and thus, understanding comes quietly to your CORAZÓN.GEOMETRÍA AWARE: UNION BRIDGE between heart and mind to think with the heart and feel with the mind.
These Mandalas become a tool of meditation and Harmonization when tuning in with the ORDER, balance and harmony within their geometry.
The Law of Attraction will do the rest.
Latif - Vicente Jesús Sáenz

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Glenlivet 12 Whisky Mixers Drink

My Chernobyl

My Chernobyl was not the press cover.
My Chernobyl does not name anyone, not even my friends.
I exist in the echoing silence d the instant after the explosion,
primohermano silence is the silence with which to end the orgies end
and see people wiping with towels and rats licking semen from anyone in the corners ...
The rear doors of my veins, giving my wrists are covered with bricks

no master key that serves to get into my halls, corridors
volcanoes resting
expired fire extinguisher on a date I prefer not to name ... Take the bars
My prison without buttons,
you do not carry the luggage and you look at the crotch, if you
verse in the voice of the dead
in another language
talking with my mouth and said that my language was a rock
syllables that beat like waves are nothing
alone but together are falling on my bed sheets,
as silent scars of a stay in hell
and mid-ocean sinks
copper bust my face and your name ... My fingers are
bread crumb
just break your egg yolk,
and my mirror is the dish that was staining
and when you left, I had to wash
just to stop seeing everywhere .
The petals of a flower that speaks Russian stem fell off my eyelashes
as we would leave if they could scream,
if they believe that beyond our eyelids is a world ...
My red pine forest is populated by
blind birds singing a mournful melody to teatime,
and roots of trees are spoken in sign saying that I'll never be happy.
I survive as church bells, voices
meat hidden in whispers,
rusty and cobwebs around my navel,
but breathing my air and exhaling that call is not heard
as if my lungs were the room wait a psychiatrist dumb. You see at my table
open scissors
left a century ago to see if your voice finally appeared again, but in the end
the ellipsis is not agreed or knew your name
distinguish your fingerprints from the parachutist
quadriplegic who descended on the roof of the hospital only to find a blanket
because it was May and it was cold. Go
preparing a new sarcophagus for future
snake skins detached dwelling on the chair fell on that day,
seconds before me, who kept my promise not to hear the roar of my moles, and I ran
to yours,
to rest in the inner courtyards of the caresses of your hands, who knows how many
have already run and miss, and I envy
as cannibals hungry just because I keep the art of reconstruct you

"The resurrection of Lazarus "by Caravaggio

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Homemade Keg With Heineken Keg

chips are still

glass splinters are still
of that dish I popped into the wall,
included and cold noodles your last caruso sauce,
inappropriate for that call.
broom and kicked and I managed to deter the stubborn dog
their only hope was to eat my food.
Butterflies of the world will
flying dragons and snakes were hiding before
mud while their skins under my bed
with an empty blister
aceprax and two milliliters your soul's in my blood is just
that ...
I grab your bones if they were a step
but are spilled on your body
and do not lead to anywhere ...
From mazes I'm tired, embarrassed
never leave my children,
rather than slamming doors have not closed the doors of those eyes,
that were mine when I was a son of middle-class parents
amazed that my high notes in math.
glass splinters are still
of the cup of wine that threw me in the face,
and is still stained the carpet
as if following stations recorded eclipses
in letters that are more silent tarot
all flowers together.
The sunflowers are sun moon
no doubt that is a stone cold
turning just because, without light or aroma,
devotees of a king without a crown
point with me spring eyes are
and hurt me with his arrows of meat / dough. My lunar
shout that this lock of hair of Medusa
is an army of dead sea jellies
and why bother to kiss lips gray or majas
dressed or naked pestles,
if I know full well that the inside are filled with piranhas,
of fake crying virgin lost her virginity long
whispering another name, other
sweating sweating ...
chips that are still glass rib
God took me and then shattered,
sculptor who only knows how to work with clay, stone me
let myself, let me
resurgence of ashes on the third day ...

No. I do not want anything from you or anyone else
just want my shadow anchored in my navel
and my beats hanging to silence you left
to take your voice and the ticking of your wristwatch

"Observatory Time, The Lovers" by Man Ray
www. /

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Can You Tell If It Is A Bitter Almond

Prayer of a name that drowns

Heaven is a gag levitating
and sun blind a paratrooper who jumped
paper airplane
Cain Abel smashed without knowing
which was written in poetry.
My wrinkles and lines of the parquet
one another and are drawn centuries before take us by surprise,
caught in the cages of our voice and blurred
the candle that lights up little or nothing
reeling in this chandelier suicide.
abortion These pills will not erase any verse,
single syllables of a name
drowns in the uterus mirror and written my letter
that appears in my nightmares every Tuesday and Thursday.
not learn morse code to tell you not to beat my lack
make me ...
Rima consonant someone crossed my name on my back,
mouth of my flower vase implantandas,
looking with my mouth your chest, but none of them exists ... Tabs
drops a god close your eyes and eyelids
are Christs have just beaten three times denied.
Where is the melody that you not whispered in my ear
so I slept in my crib?
I'm not a cyclops who wants to fly and spit on the heights
streets where cars did not honk or train pass over him.
butterflies were flying over your navel because worms
and I had wanted to depart from thy womb, leaving my footprints
bloody with your blood and mine,
to ring a bell and borrow the keys to a house.
a wolf's eardrums barely heard me cursing
and since then howl at the moon is a sphere of comfort,
broken piece of a music box
orphan of a deity that once knew my eyes when they were heavenly.
Primohermano of Treplyov and its gull drawn,
my skin are the bandages from his wrists
and my angel saves the provider of those broken feathers.
The dirt from my nails is the junk that hides the sea, Titanic
rings included and syphilitic sailors from another century.
diesciocho carat Gold says your palate dry, dry
not name, to cover myself with dirt before parirme ...
I bit the placenta of impotence but had no teeth
felt like an earthquake and I forgot to hate ...
were 1.5 milligrams of a hitman, hitman
tell day after, fire extinguishers pharmacy ... Be the
I do not care really,
Isaac I befriended a morning drinking tequila with salt
and even wrote some verses cadaveric and exquisite, rhymes
consonants of a name that someone crossed out on my back,
mouth of the vase of flowers my implantandas,
looking with my mouth your chest, but none of them exists ...

"Aktion Sorgenkind" by Gottfried Helnwein

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blisters On The Gums Of Infant

The taxidermists and moon

The panoramic view from its windows
aisles and doors destination file,
and skins and eyes and eyelashes for future sculptures,
meat and plaster sculptures,
immortalizing a gesture only
perhaps once did someone
someone who probably was not them ...
Their language is a
scalpel and cut lines of the other leather.
Each syllable holds the slaughter of the throat until who knows where ...
Who are the dummies and those wild beasts?
To do not know if matter,
if you stun the car horns
and the light of the moon every night.
You wake up and you wash them
while on the roof of your house
skin hanging rope
and your voice out of nowhere.
What remains are the salt in your saliva,
and the foam of the ocean you drown, you
removed until the echo of your heartbeat ...
calculate the error without naming process,
without even knowing if one day you were happy by feeding your fish
or if you wanted to grab a bowl of stones that impossible shipwrecks,
know thee not, nor is that his style ...
But they have studied psychology and anatomy,
advance and bought a container full of statues of polyurethane
to evict you from your flesh
fall behind two months by paying the agreed rent, with
god that apparently inspired Bibles or miracles ...
Look in the mirror and see a centerpiece,
a basket full of wax fruit
and see that the flies do not come,
signal that does not ride,
and the rind and pulp at this point are the same thing.
related as cut nails of our fingers,
of the fingers of anyone those of our ancestors,
We still life,
or better
killed by snipers from the glass shot,
and point to the heart because they are convinced that it is plastic.
Once we reupholstered,
as if we were the chairs in the living room of their mothers,
are immersed in their dreams of disciples of Van Gogh
and return us eyes, now made of glass,
confuse realism with its details while applauding themselves,
and greet like blood brothers diluted in the darkness of his ego,
as poets do cling to their metaphors
so stark as the moon, which is a stone
sulfur in heaven contractures in his verses contain

"A Pair of Shoes" by Vincent Van Gogh