Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nipple Piercing For Man


Panxoliña Christmas


There's a cold wind filled with

apousado on the roads.

And a whistle in the air

all full of caresses.

but a miraculous wind

pol-born Christmas.

Briles as a luceiro

Alomar to the portal.


already in the branches of an oak

born a wind ventiño;

has sweet verses dew

and wings of bird.

bird has wings

and craridades day,

that if Jesus gave Nenin

Virxe and Santa Maria.

Manuel María

Lugo, Nadal, 1951

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Whats The Dots In Chat Mean On Facebook

paper the walls of our little house .-

If you have purchased a Kit ... or if you are riding your structure based on your own plane, you will need to empapeléis the walls of your houses ... the first time is stressful, but from experience I say that everything is above and in the end this is like a breeze ...
Anyway, I leave a few of advice be useful to you (or at least would have been for me the first time I got to it) when to add color to your walls:

first thing
I have to say is that the structure of the house and must be fully completed, if you plan to electrify (dedicate a future tutorial to) also must be fully installed lighting system, as it is to "cover" all Installation ...

We may use both store-bought paper for decorating dollhouses, or we can print it, because I have experience in both directions only tell you that the role establishments that offer us is very appropriate, particularly for the size, but we must buy at least two statements to the decoration of a normal room (I beg you to prove the measures before buy, gives a lot of anger when you need a "bit")

Personally I printed most of the walls, you have to be more aware of shots and effects that goes unnoticed because the home printer can not exceed your drawings as a DINA-4: 29.6 x 21 mm. But if you set up a socket to match your paper, the effect is perfect. You have be taken into account, that if the sense of design, horizontal ... vertical, so that everything you go into place. The impression must be always the highest quality, using a weight better than plain paper, I use a thin cardboard with a weight of 200 g/m2, so the effect is perfect, do not forget that we're printing thumbnails and although you can get precious papers, the sharpness is an important point. If what you want is "tiled" kitchen or bathroom, it is best to use photo paper, the brightness provided simulates quite well tile.

As for the tail, I recommend the glue, aplicáis when white is even noticeable water stains once dry all the marks disappear, the tail becomes virtually invisible.

We must be careful with the corners, prepare the paper and fold in half papering the corners of each room and not notice the seams in the corners, then we fit them well to pass unnoticed in the rest of the room. When initially incorporate the glued area to go to paper, put the paper starting at the top and taking it with a cloth going down, to ensure that no bubbles. Do not be alarmed if the paper is wrinkled when húmedo, es normal, una vez seco no se notará nada...

Os recomiendo que no hagáis antes huecos de ventanas y puertas, podéis equivocaros en las medidas, y en cosas tan pequeñitas ya se sabe... tres milímetros es el mundo... Una vez que tengáis el papel aplicado y seco, con un cutter podéis pasar al corte de los huecos.

Otro día hablaremos de suelos y techos... sinceramente son más sencillos...
Espero que os divirtáis...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pokemon Platinum Best Parties

En esta ocasión me gustaría presentaros un mueble cuya elegancia proporciona a los dormitorios women an air of distinction: toilet furniture , whose main function is to store perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, and of course, is an area to beautify.

In the seventeenth century, the ladies of the court and high society wore elaborate makeup and wigs, in response to this trend comes from the vanity cabinet. Although initially used a table with mat, in the late nineteenth century began to add mirrors and drawers. Quickly became an important "ornament" that was absolutely essential in mansions and palaces, of course, were those with higher household resources that could have the toilet between your furniture.

In the nineteenth century most of the toilets were equipped with a fixed mirror or a dash easel.

As you can see, this miniature shows a very common design in the nineteenth century, incorporating the mirror with a chest of drawers on cabriole legs, in this case, is accompanied by a sidewalk. It belongs to my dollhouse.

This other model in miniature toilet is totally opposite the former, it is a "symphony" to the end of drawers and a mirror embedded on the section on table, here we can see perfumes, the typical tray with the hairbrush, a frame with a picture ... as you can see there is no sidewalk because neither has a proper front legs to fit comfortably. Belongs to the house of Valeria.

Finally I present the toilet of the house of George, in this case it is a chest of drawers mahogany which has a built-in mirror gold metal wall at the top we creams, brushes and a lovely tray of perfumes in shades of blue that reminds us of the use that the lady of the house gives this useful piece of furniture.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Portable Generator Rain Cover


For many, many centuries, a known human ancestor of the cereals, and from that moment, the bread has been part of universal human culture. As there would be less ... in our world in miniature bread, or rather the imitation of the perfect bread is part of our "food culture" because in ancient Egypt, the food of the poor Egyptians consisted mainly of bread and onions, hence the famous saying - "With you, bread and onions."

Bread for the Greeks began as a food ritual of divine origin but later went on to become the popular support, symbol par excellence of the food. The unleavened bread, unfermented, was considered a delicacy.
late eighteenth century, thanks to the progress and research is improved flour mill technique, increases the production of wheat and flour gets better. Low bread prices by increasing supply and white bread (previously only for certain social classes) reaches the entire population.

For those of you curious:

As there, I tried to reflect a little more of our reality in one of my scenes, there you have a basket of "real" bread, or noooo??

We have recreated the bread with fimo: Fimo toast and cream mix, until we get a brown very clearly, then mold each stick to our taste ... do braids, rolls, sticks to mark lightly with a knife to get the right effect ... bake 10 minutes at 150 degrees and when we varnish them cool slightly matte clearcoat when biting dust talc and shake immediately .... perfectly mimics the flour ... we can only rest on a basket decorated with a small scrap of red vichy ... the effect is really cool ... I hope you liked it ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cheshire Cat Costume Ideas Men

The word comes from the Greek word biblia, meaning books and Thek, which means place where something is stored. Intended to reflect not just a place where books are kept, but also defines a "place" where people work, read ... research in them ....

If we seek the "first library in history," the truth is that it is difficult to locate ... is said Archeologists could be formed in the royal palace of Ashurbanipal, with more than 22,000 clay tablets, although the title of "first library in history dispute it with that of Lagash in Mesopotamia, that of Hattusa Ittiti, Babylon and Elba.

The first public library that is recorded in the ancient world is that of Athens, founded by Pisistratus in 550 BC

The most famous of antiquity is the Library Royal Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria, was once the largest in the world. Located in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, believed to have been created in the early third century C. Ptolemy I Soter and came to house up to 700,000 volumes. The destruction of the Library of Alexandria is one of the great mysteries of western civilization. Precise evidence is lacking on its most essential, and have not found the ruins of the Museum ...

Reconstruction of the central hall of the Library of Alexandria (from Carl Sagan's Cosmos).

After the appearance in Venice of the first publishing house, increased the number of libraries today. The oldest public library today Malatesta is the library, located in Cesena, Italy.

certainly what many think is that we reach our home, sit in a comfortable chair and read a book is perhaps one of the most pleasant activities can aspire to a human. It's nice to do in winter when it's cold or raining outside, but when the heat in summer .... For book lovers, have a room dedicated to books is essential, perfectly ordered books, an isolated noise, warm sofas where you sit ... stay aesthetically beautiful. As a miniaturist .... desire the room that meets these requirements have recreated ... I show you the shelf of my "library" ... books that present authentic "incunabula ".... worked and interior covered fimo, cardboard or paper ... all done by hand ...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Good Caputre Card For Macbook Hdmi


I would like to introduce one of the decorative elements most appreciated by fans of miniatures: the crib.

Wikipedia.es image obtained

speak of a cabinet that has hardly changed throughout history: it is a "bed" for small babies. Cots have the specific characteristic of having "bars" or side shields to prevent falls during sleep. Traditional cribs were semicircular feet served to balance them and thus induce the baby sleep. Most are of wood, although we know that brass was used in the nineteenth century in England, and we also have the famous "cradle" made of rattan for the first stage of the baby.

Following what dictates our imagination, we can tailor our children's rooms scenes, here we presented several examples of "Cribs" set in different eras:

This is a Victorian mahogany cradle of the nineteenth century, we see the swing we mentioned in the introduction, and "turned balusters, built to prevent falls.

Now I present a birthplace of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, wood painted white and pink with a simple decoration, includes details of the delicate "blanket" in pink and blue.

And here's a modern cradle of the twentieth century. The sides have singles bars and legs and do not end with a "swing" become "legs" fixed, but today most of the cradles carry wheels to facilitate mobility.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lightning Strikes Dish


As I said in the previous section, the central rosettes inlaid parquet floor in our scene printed on a unique style, which is what we really miniaturists ...

In this tutorial I give you several rosettes that once got from an Italian site that is devoted to the floors of our homes (those of 100 m2, course), and these models were samples of work done.

simply copy the image I like for the center of your living room, dining room or bedroom, for example pegad ampliadla word and the size suits you to your room. Then just a good printer, the highest quality you can, a steady hand when cutting and pegadla on the parquet will have already installed on the floor of the scene. Once attached you can varnish the rose window, polished floor gives effect, are really precious.
I hope you are precious.

Does Pink X Mean Water Damage


I would like to introduce the living-dining scene, belongs to the Casita de Valeria.
have not tried to print a classic in the room, I tried to merge semi-classical elements, such as upholstered sofas, cherry wood, the coffee table or the classical case where we see the traditional porcelain tea set, along with modern decorative items, pictures, dishes hanging and accessories in general.
We can see in the scene as on the classic fireplace with turned columns present a style box with golden frame with two contemporary films with floral motifs.

As the area of \u200b\u200b"high" on the dresser was made, we see a portrait of the owner of the house, the dining table, round, foot work is classical in style, giving the note color the two chairs upholstered in hot pink damask. I have not included

carpet in order not to obscure the beautiful marquetry detail located in the middle of the living room floor.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rusian Family Naturism

miniaturization process

I present a work that is quite laborious, but the result is really satisfying.
The first job that we ask is to research, we want to miniaturize the work, in my case the Internet downloaded in PDF format, you can also scan images from any work that you have at home, etc..

We must adjust the size of the book pages you want printed, in case you are working on the scale 1 / 12 the ideal is that the measures do not exceed too the 2 x 3 cms.

Once we set the text we have to cut, in my case it was 180 pages one by one, no less ...

We're done cutting, now we glue the pages in the "back" and let it dry.

prepare tapas, in my case I did a scan on an original book and a high quality printing. You can also find some cover on the internet ...

reinforced the inside of the lids and lined ... not forget that it is very important that the work fits in to reality ...

Glue the backs of the pages along with the caps and let dry few hours.

varnish the outside of the book, this creates an effect that mimics quite well the texture of the skin ... needless to say that the impression must be of good quality because if the paint gets all the colors.

As you can see the result is great, there you have original and miniature. I'm working on the "Breviary of Isabella the Catholic, I have it ready when you show it.

I hope this "workshop" I have been interesting ...

Weird Stomach Feeling Turning


We wonder, perhaps, the reason for the existence of such small books which are difficult to read. Their historical origin is a practical sense, represented a small stand where you could move a lot of information, and weighing no effort posed no transport.
The first books were religious and were designed to carry around, books of hours, briefs, etc. were tailored in the most small and short as possible to be always close the "word of God."
Then came mini calendars, which are also engaged in a minimum size, so that could be carried in pockets of the vests of the gentlemen or the ladies' purses. Marketed in exquisite boxes, accompanied by a magnifying glass of dimensions proportional to the booklets, which in turn are bound in luxury leather, pearl, ivory, tortoiseshell, filigree, enamel, silk, embroidery, silver and gold ... Becoming gems. Today

the sense that these books are the valuation of credit for their manufacture craft and "miniaturization", true works of art sought after by collectors ...


Of course, as what concerns us in these pages are the miniatures, in general, and we can apply to doll houses and scenes particular, we worked a bit in the process of "miniaturization" of a book, which I will present in my next entry.

This is my own "harvest" these are the Bécquer Rhymes and Legends ...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Purple Highlights In Hair


Well, we know that art imitates reality miniatures, as another of my hobbies is history, I put first in history ... on the origin of the toilets ... and the odd curiosity ... really interesting ....

From relatively early, the man was aware of the unhealthiness of being exposed to their own excrement, and the most primitive peoples and took care of at least away from living quarters to relieve . However, with the onset of population centers of faeces began to become a real problem - not just discomfort, lack of privacy or smell, but also the problem of contamination of drinking water and spread of infectious diseases.

The first solution to this problem was latrine, a hole in the ground, usually inside a small structure to provide privacy. Often, the hole led to a further chamber fairly large. When he had filled, closed and opened another somewhere else, and so again and again. In some places, latrines were collective, in others, each household was theirs.

The Romans were very fond of public baths and hot springs exist in many parts of Europe. The same is true of their latrines, in spite of the name are much more similar to our modern systems to a primitive latrine (water under the seat eliminates waste). The curious thing about the Roman latrines is that in many places, are grouped in public rooms, which seems to suggest that the activity was in some cases, social, instead of something, as we do now, to be ashamed and hide. Funny, right?

"latrines" in Ostia Antica Roman public.

But with the fall of the Empire many of the Roman engineering advances largely lost: the Europeans would return to the primitive latrines, and sewer concept would be lost in oblivion for centuries. The problem, moreover, be exacerbated by advancing the Middle Ages by the increase in population. In the villages, the houses used to have a latrine in a booth near the main building, but what in cities? They used to make their needs earthenware or metal containers, and then throw them out the window to the street.

already reached the sixteenth century, when Sir John Harington is developing a system quite similar, except in one key aspect-it does today: a seat with a tank and emptied it with water to operate a mechanism. Harington, who was part of the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England, offered his invention (which he called " The Ajax") to the sovereign. I wonder what the conversation. Isabel (who was also the godmother of Harington) built one in the Richmond Palace, although not used too: apparently made too much noise, do not ask me how or why.

Sir John Harrington

solution gave Alexander Cummings, a watchmaker in London in 1775 with his patent 814: the trap. The system is simple but effective, and is, as you probably know, in an S-shaped pipe As water passes through the trap, the bottom of the S is always with some water, which acts as a seal on the rest of the pipeline (connecting, sooner or later, with the sewer). Thus, the gases that may have "the other side "can not leave, and you can install all the invention in the home. Hence the name of WC: from Cummings, the smell would be an insoluble problem .

would be years until the general public to enjoy the toilets: the first were installed in public places as the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London. Londoners, impressed, came to use this wonderful invention to the palace. There, dressed in white officials received them and charged a penny it cost to sit in one. In fact, in London extended the expression "I spend a penny " to refer to what you're imagining.

The Crystal Palace in 1851.

Finally, in the 1880 Thomas Crapper started manufacturing toilet cheap and high quality, which caused them to spread through many homes. Its design was already very similar to ours: a tank that is filled with water and has a cap, when pulling the chain or toggles the tank is uncovered, and the float closes the water inlet when the tank is refilled.
So, dear reader, I propose that the next time we sit in one, no flies, contaminated drinking water, smells worse than the inevitable backflow of sewage or in the comfort of our own bathroom, take a few seconds of silence grateful Crapper, Cummings, Harington and anonymous inventors of Rome . Life would be much more uncomfortable without their work.

Well, and after this passage of history, of course, in our dolls' houses we could not reflect a reality which existed during the Victorian houses . In these times the toilets were high tank and required fewer water to operate, this is the toilet of the Casita de Gaia:
Most toilets are pedestal, consisting of a seat fixed to the ground by bolts or other removable parts, have a low tank, located behind the seat with a filling mechanism with a standard valve, which cuts the water inlet when it reaches a certain level, and other discharge, operated by the user. I show the toilet of the house of Valeria,

And here you have the Gem of the little ... I'll introduce you and stays full on several occasions ....

Thanks for plumbing, rooms WC have advanced a lot ... but observe the decoration of the cisterns and bowls ... with flowers and garlands of flowers ... late nineteenth century, sought the union practicality and decoration ... useful and beautiful ...