Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Purple Highlights In Hair


Well, we know that art imitates reality miniatures, as another of my hobbies is history, I put first in history ... on the origin of the toilets ... and the odd curiosity ... really interesting ....

From relatively early, the man was aware of the unhealthiness of being exposed to their own excrement, and the most primitive peoples and took care of at least away from living quarters to relieve . However, with the onset of population centers of faeces began to become a real problem - not just discomfort, lack of privacy or smell, but also the problem of contamination of drinking water and spread of infectious diseases.

The first solution to this problem was latrine, a hole in the ground, usually inside a small structure to provide privacy. Often, the hole led to a further chamber fairly large. When he had filled, closed and opened another somewhere else, and so again and again. In some places, latrines were collective, in others, each household was theirs.

The Romans were very fond of public baths and hot springs exist in many parts of Europe. The same is true of their latrines, in spite of the name are much more similar to our modern systems to a primitive latrine (water under the seat eliminates waste). The curious thing about the Roman latrines is that in many places, are grouped in public rooms, which seems to suggest that the activity was in some cases, social, instead of something, as we do now, to be ashamed and hide. Funny, right?

"latrines" in Ostia Antica Roman public.

But with the fall of the Empire many of the Roman engineering advances largely lost: the Europeans would return to the primitive latrines, and sewer concept would be lost in oblivion for centuries. The problem, moreover, be exacerbated by advancing the Middle Ages by the increase in population. In the villages, the houses used to have a latrine in a booth near the main building, but what in cities? They used to make their needs earthenware or metal containers, and then throw them out the window to the street.

already reached the sixteenth century, when Sir John Harington is developing a system quite similar, except in one key aspect-it does today: a seat with a tank and emptied it with water to operate a mechanism. Harington, who was part of the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England, offered his invention (which he called " The Ajax") to the sovereign. I wonder what the conversation. Isabel (who was also the godmother of Harington) built one in the Richmond Palace, although not used too: apparently made too much noise, do not ask me how or why.

Sir John Harrington

solution gave Alexander Cummings, a watchmaker in London in 1775 with his patent 814: the trap. The system is simple but effective, and is, as you probably know, in an S-shaped pipe As water passes through the trap, the bottom of the S is always with some water, which acts as a seal on the rest of the pipeline (connecting, sooner or later, with the sewer). Thus, the gases that may have "the other side "can not leave, and you can install all the invention in the home. Hence the name of WC: from Cummings, the smell would be an insoluble problem .

would be years until the general public to enjoy the toilets: the first were installed in public places as the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London. Londoners, impressed, came to use this wonderful invention to the palace. There, dressed in white officials received them and charged a penny it cost to sit in one. In fact, in London extended the expression "I spend a penny " to refer to what you're imagining.

The Crystal Palace in 1851.

Finally, in the 1880 Thomas Crapper started manufacturing toilet cheap and high quality, which caused them to spread through many homes. Its design was already very similar to ours: a tank that is filled with water and has a cap, when pulling the chain or toggles the tank is uncovered, and the float closes the water inlet when the tank is refilled.
So, dear reader, I propose that the next time we sit in one, no flies, contaminated drinking water, smells worse than the inevitable backflow of sewage or in the comfort of our own bathroom, take a few seconds of silence grateful Crapper, Cummings, Harington and anonymous inventors of Rome . Life would be much more uncomfortable without their work.

Well, and after this passage of history, of course, in our dolls' houses we could not reflect a reality which existed during the Victorian houses . In these times the toilets were high tank and required fewer water to operate, this is the toilet of the Casita de Gaia:
Most toilets are pedestal, consisting of a seat fixed to the ground by bolts or other removable parts, have a low tank, located behind the seat with a filling mechanism with a standard valve, which cuts the water inlet when it reaches a certain level, and other discharge, operated by the user. I show the toilet of the house of Valeria,

And here you have the Gem of the little ... I'll introduce you and stays full on several occasions ....

Thanks for plumbing, rooms WC have advanced a lot ... but observe the decoration of the cisterns and bowls ... with flowers and garlands of flowers ... late nineteenth century, sought the union practicality and decoration ... useful and beautiful ...


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