Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cheshire Cat Costume Ideas Men

The word comes from the Greek word biblia, meaning books and Thek, which means place where something is stored. Intended to reflect not just a place where books are kept, but also defines a "place" where people work, read ... research in them ....

If we seek the "first library in history," the truth is that it is difficult to locate ... is said Archeologists could be formed in the royal palace of Ashurbanipal, with more than 22,000 clay tablets, although the title of "first library in history dispute it with that of Lagash in Mesopotamia, that of Hattusa Ittiti, Babylon and Elba.

The first public library that is recorded in the ancient world is that of Athens, founded by Pisistratus in 550 BC

The most famous of antiquity is the Library Royal Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria, was once the largest in the world. Located in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, believed to have been created in the early third century C. Ptolemy I Soter and came to house up to 700,000 volumes. The destruction of the Library of Alexandria is one of the great mysteries of western civilization. Precise evidence is lacking on its most essential, and have not found the ruins of the Museum ...

Reconstruction of the central hall of the Library of Alexandria (from Carl Sagan's Cosmos).

After the appearance in Venice of the first publishing house, increased the number of libraries today. The oldest public library today Malatesta is the library, located in Cesena, Italy.

certainly what many think is that we reach our home, sit in a comfortable chair and read a book is perhaps one of the most pleasant activities can aspire to a human. It's nice to do in winter when it's cold or raining outside, but when the heat in summer .... For book lovers, have a room dedicated to books is essential, perfectly ordered books, an isolated noise, warm sofas where you sit ... stay aesthetically beautiful. As a miniaturist .... desire the room that meets these requirements have recreated ... I show you the shelf of my "library" ... books that present authentic "incunabula ".... worked and interior covered fimo, cardboard or paper ... all done by hand ...


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