Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ajuda No Fsxaircreation582sl Red?

Dominguet and camping-assemblies around the state and beyond

A sign that Dominguet found in the Puerta del Sol de Chuck

About Chuck events

Dominguet sleepy, very sleepy. Instead of a story about the earthquake in the camping-assembly that is causing the uncontrolled flight of wigs, hairpieces and whiskers of some gentlemen, it will leave a link and go to sleep for a while:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Black Haired Grren Eyed Actresses

Four new books mandalas of the 4 elements of color, edited by Devas

The Art of Alchemy

Alchemy is an ancient science forerunner of what we now call chemistry. Study the essence of the elements in its broadest sense and the transformation of one another when applied some kind of energy as heat.

are 4 books that will become an alchemical laboratory As you start to use them.

The mandala is the container where it will produce chemical reactions.

specific shapes geometry mandala impregnating each order, balance and harmony.

Each of the 4 elements separately or in various combinations, provides the material that is made that recipient.

So far, no more than 4 beautiful mandalas books dormant waiting for the fire that active. It takes human intervention to wake up and so the alchemical process alive. This comes from the same time you watch the mandala blank and your hands begin to color.

However, you soon realize that the container in which transformation is occurring is outside of you, is within you. That is the true alchemy.

These books are like mirrors will show you quietly and subtly, different states and processes that go traveling as you enter each mandala and colors.

This collection of 4 books dedicated to the 4 elements allows you to dive deeper and deeper into the qualities of the item you need to internalize at all times, either because they have a lack or on the contrary, feel excessive.

alchemical whole process goes through the heart that is the catalyst, the fifth element ... the "quintessence" that facilitates the reactions that lead to trans form tion.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Boat Wood Stoves For Sale

Dominguet and revolutionary adventures

Every day in the Puerta del Sol de Chuck, in your place!

Dominguet dawn has come home, she has showered, has stretched a bit, and has become long in the Puerta del Sol This is what I said.

"It's a festival without beginning or end. It is morning and we meet in assemblies, committees, subcommittees. Not to work. La Puerta del Sol Mandrel is literally occupied by free men and women. At times I have moved and I took notes, the truth, very confusing, particularly because sleep overcame me. Beats me. All working groups are open to all and discussed in common. It is proposed, is provided. The proposals will lead to the general assembly. It organizes everything from restlessness to search for provisions, the passive resistance in case of eviction, the Spokesman ... discusses a broad shown in constant growth. I've heard all kinds of proposals, brave, from the nationalization of banks, the daily call at 20:00 of the Merger, the possibility to call the strike without the union, the withdrawal labor reform and pension reform ... The organization is absolutely horizontal. I have a headache, but whatever. A parrot is perched on one of the shelters and repeats: "Hey guys, here and now." Something good has come unexpectedly Chuck would be a shame to let him go "

What Is The Most Desired Vinetage Polaroid Camera

Retake the Puerta del Sol today!

Take the public square!

have dislodged the rock that was in the square this morning with noctunidad. We must make history. Come to the square!

Take Place Today at 20:00 Drafters of "Terrible!" will be there!

The camping is multiplied throughout the state!

What Top To Weare On Knee Length Skirt

When the drafters of Terrible! They make the little article rating

You see that guy lying in the background? If Dominguet Please! Positive. If everything is getting worse and ended disastrously, we hope that you find in the horizontal position the creative process and bring a book to be pointing their occurrences. Or at least one gun.

To write Terrible!

The truth does not require secrets or great effort. When Dominguet make a short article does nothing, just open or close their eyes

In the interregnum in which you are not yet fully awake or even sleeping, writing of terrible starts. Sometimes writers get to work when you are cycling Dominguet the station, or when you are sitting on the subway. One of the most enjoyable times for making a short article occurs during vigorous walking or at the very moment that is absorbed in a delicious and stimulating reading, sometimes during conversations, and other at night when very tired Dominguet comes home and opens a bottle of Chinese beer.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Lauren London Have

mani May 15

Dominguet was there! Since he is angry as he refuses to do is handle is a photograph of Neorrabioso to illustrate the article

Some considerations about May 15

Hi buddies . The wording of Terrible! is running, but very sleepy. Before the conditional expert opinion Dominguet and thinking about the events and the future of what might be called "Movement of May 15 or something like that, it was decided to say something about it.

"Alert!" Here and now, boys! "One of the most surprising of manis May 15 is that any and all who were there were very handsome. We found realize that the center of the world was not in the citi financial controls, but there .. In fact, 15 May manis, not only were the center of the world but the future. But the little parrots that ETA has Moderna released in a ekintza by Chuck, do not cease to repeat: "Warning!" "Here and Now boys!" Indeed, the enemy is everywhere. The hosts are going to come from all sides regarding the motion of May 15 to grow a little more and get into the ground others believe him. They are already preparing journalists in all media to begin the task of discredit or none. Hope that some, few dare to speak loud and clear. Hey! We're not going to happily give the word. The inertia of organizations try to prevent the departure of an independent citizens' movement or try to co-opt. We must resist any poison apple, you have to resist the movement of May 15 be recovered, if it occurs deflate the movement. Boys, in spite of our disgust and horror to politics, everyone who had been there at the time policy. And I knew. Girls, let's make history! "

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To Make Novelty Cakes

Action modern ETA Chuck! Last

Some of the parrots ready to say" Quierete! "

" Quiérete! "

Chuck is full of a kind of parrot parakeet or smaller. The plan is as follows; teach to speak.

In Huxley's Island, parrots on the island said: "Here and now, boys!" One of the actions of the modern ETA will be the training of these animals, becoming carriers of uplifting slogans for the reconstruction of the city and citizenship. Once released, repeating messages again learned, other parrots treated slogans, giving feedback to learning that will soon hear all over town as we go through the park hurried way to work a voice from a tree to tell us "Attention: Life happens! " or "Love me!" or essential "Quiérete!" or "In the streets on May 15!" Since the ETA Modern abandoned their masks every action is an absolute success. Although it seems that real democracy is distancing itself more on the horizon, in fact, is closer, if you wish.

Gay Cruising Spots Eugene Oregon

little article about monsters and working class

was looking for a picture of the working class and one of the monster, to show their striking resemblance. On the way I've found this wonderful photograph, and I succumbed to its charms

Some similarities between the monster and the working class

The happy coincidence is absolute, the monster born at the dawn of industrial society, the working class as well.

The monster can not stop being a monster, lives trapped in a body that is not yours. The working class is caught up in itself. The monster wants to be loved, the working class as well. When the monster is rejected, declared war on the world, but promises to lay down arms if you create a companion. The working class, when rejected, declaring war, but abandoned the conquest for power seem to change anything, even a little, Loot. That is, if a working class with some possib improved access to power through the game of domination. Both the working class and the monster are deceived. Access to know as a means of liberation is a scam: the knowledge of the ruling class. Knowing regulated separates them from the working class, but brings them closer to the dominant. The only thing you can do the monster and the working class is disappearing, get it over with whom he has created, that is, to destroy the real monster: industrial society.

(well, actually the best little article is the photo)

Friday, May 13, 2011

It Whispers So Listen Bracelet

I thought it was the little paper had the police intervened

graciosillo Dominguet arrested

was not the police!

Dominguet believed his phone was tapped by the CIA and police disilusión That! It was a naive and did not know

Dominguet was believed that the CIA and was excited, what nonsense!. He believed that after the next meeting between ETA and bin Laden modern, we included in the blacklist of the police. He wanted the police banging on the door at midnight, the magic hour, to jump out the window and run naked in a small forest that is outside the house. Oh! It was not the CIA, was not the police, but several have collapsed and several poems short article

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Much Zopiclone Is Fatal

The newspaper article


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lifetime Fitness Couple Membership Cost

world's smallest Morning walk with Gloria Fuertes

Gloria Fuertes in action, has stopped coughing. Saying that though it seems a scooter is actually a bike. In the background is a balloon

Gloria Fuertes come in search of Dominguet

The monster has disappeared into the dark night and the morning was made Gloria Fuertes in Dominguet little apartment. Has the house without sweeping, juice machine without scrubbing, a couple of empty beer cans, five hand-rolling cigars in the ashtray, and pumpkins that say "Hey, Dominguet, we're here!"

Gloria Fuertes arrives Dominguet seeking to accompany the work. As coughing, can not ride a bike, so go take a walk through the park of the Cross to the metro Aluche. Sometimes you feel very alone and writes at night and is scared of everything, everything scares the flower pass very soon, much love and the wish of a child with a human face, scared because it's May and is a good time. Gloria Fuertes coughs a lot and as there is a secret strike underground, climb a balloon that unions have been chartered radical poetry. "Do not waste your time" I said "that the heart gets less blood"

Monday, May 9, 2011

Port Royal Uninstall File

This document is official Dominguet

Police report

Dominguet slept uneasily and has risen, as always, great expectations: the kitchen was immersed in light, and the vine, so small, the tomatoes begin to color.

The apple tree survived. He changed his name in a last attempt to save his life, and flourished. On the other hand is designing a new comprehensive program to live in a state of flux during his working time, which denomirará as "the five-year plan." Continues to develop actions to "modern ETA" some frankly very difficult to use, one of these days will write its founding charter. He sometimes tries to remember how life was last year, was apparently very rare. Whenever you forget to buy a spray paint on a Chinese. On the issue of relations between people recognize that it is difficult and sensitive, but very interesting and sometimes disturbing.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Free Movies Like Jibjab

monster is reconciled to the Working Class and

More news about the monster

Poor monster! There he goes, rock climbing to impossible without end, leaping gigantic cracks in the ice, running from here to there, eating berries and fruits.

taking a nap. Beside him with beard Dominguet firmly
Covered with sores and wounds Dominguet approached because he was lonely and Dominguet lectured and scolded him. Self-taught, loving animals in the forest, never killed any creature. Dominguet leave the door ajar all night and remain in silence every time the monster cross the threshold of her room, opens the covers and let him lie down beside her

Army Counseling Examples For Fighting

Frankenstein's monster

night meeting between the monster and Dominguet

The monster knocks on the door of Dominguet at dawn

"Who is the monster?" Dominguet wonders overnight. For a moment saw something move outside his door. It was the monster.

Monster: Hello!
Dominguet: But .. but ... If you are the working class!
Monster: In fact, I'm the product of a sick mind. I created elites. I was born in Industrial Society
Dominguet : You're horrible! Stay away from me!
Monster: Oh, no! You do not! I reject you too. As soon as I created disowned me and left me to my fate. I was left out of the world and I was denied the pleasures of life and passions. I refused the love. I hated and despised. Fled from my company. I felt so lonely! I've only beaten
Dominguet: What did you do meantime?
Monster: promised revenge. Declared war on the world. But my loneliness was so unbearable, negotiated peace in exchange for company
Dominguet: Ah! And of course, built another monster for you, another product of the Industrial Society, which does not make you feel so alone. I'm afraid I misled you, created another monster and hiceron that pagases for it. All these products piling up in dumps in the garbage in the gutters are they your friends? In fact you feel alone, even more alone. You gave up your fight against the world "and what have you become? You all day tabletting
Monster: Ohhhh! (Piercing scream) I have millions of kilos of love to give!

(Dominguet is puzzled, he'll give his hand to comfort him, but withdrew at the last moment)
Monster: am monstrous I've been too time consuming soma
Dominguet: Far from rolling hills are still here green. You have no future. Disappear exactly the same day that disappears Industrial Society. If you have children, children in the future will be beautiful, nothing will seem to you, but will your children. Kill your creators declare war on the world and not be agreed respite or duped them with peers rubber.
Monster: (Here the monster Dominguet look at the eyes) I love you (crying)
Dominguet: I love you, but stay away from me

Friday, May 6, 2011

William Rogers And Son Aa

International Committee support

The monster has the same passions and weaknesses of mankind

Establishment of a committee supporting the monster

Dominguet is reading the book Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. " In these difficult times by which is living, can not leave him alone

This is driving the creation of an international committee to support the monster. Distribute leaflets, write books, give lectures on their behalf. Please, if the monster knocks on your door asking for a little love, do not get hit hard with a stick and chase him with torches at night. Too tired, always on the run. Invite them to a cup of tea.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Deception Experts How To Become

monster to conquer the Earth!

Brief Chat possibilistic character Dominguet

space program

The new man will be a cosmonaut, for sure, sometimes we see him opening his eyes first fluorescent orange and approaching his hand to us.

has conquered the moon, now up to conquer Earth. A Land full of zombies, Snatchers, alpha, beta and epsilon. It will be not to use violence to conquer Earth. In reality, violence is an efficacious remedy and it works, however, is not on our agenda. The orange-eyed astronauts phosphorescent conquer the Earth will be new men, some bad. As Dominguet know, the new man who is building in her living room has pleasant dreams, but sometimes nightmares convulsing as if alive. Has high hopes for it


A Times New Roman Chinoy

your voice comes from the lungs of the stones
is snow in the blood and brain brine
decrease of bleeding sun and moon as threshed
wedding dress stored in a guitar case

an abandoned airplane wing takes flight with your song
a dragon awakes from coma to cast fire from his mouth
verify that the zenith is a bird hit by a bullet
flower powder is exhausted in the perfume
accursed flower

bound as children drink milk from the breast of America
one flag buried in the bark
Decapitated Chicken meat no longer holds the view
or starving children looking for Hammock
always halfway to heaven spare

rainwater to wash our feet between us
and newspaper to wrap the crucifixes
break bread and be infinite
is a single glass of wine
to pour into the sea wave of blood which
and throw the empty bottle with a message:
a blank
the poem not even write
zero zero /
origin earth tearing roots
our own hands in the morgue looking for
to have our eyes that

Here is some Songs Videos Chinoy

Chicken meat

flower Llegaste

We both

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Most Powerful Workstation 2010

Invasion of the Body Snatchers in Bin Laden Chuck Carabanchel

Dominguet discovered by a man with a mustache

Ultracuerpos in Chuck!

A Dominguet is very difficult to say when they arrived to the great Chuck the Body Snatchers. It is true, lives infiltrated the Body Snatchers, but sometimes you look in the mirror and do not know if Dominguet or ultracuerpo

Dominguet live long been among the Body Snatchers. Known to lower the guard as will be pointed with his finger and discovered. So you've learned to walk and move like them. Cree has not yet time to abandon to be taken by them, but the paradox is this: if Dominguet to avoid being caught acting like them, what difference is there between them and Dominguet?. Dominguet really know the secret: "To stop being a ultracuerpo, just have to stop moving as them ". The solution is purely aesthetic

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wedding Prayers Of The Faithful 2010


English DNI
photo of bin Laden

Bin Laden speaks English!

" The first time I interviewed Bin Laden was in Barcelona. Then I was periodistilla of a digital newspaper called "Terrible sorcerer anarchist." Unfortunately, due to the tecnocensura, the newspaper was erased from cyberspace, and no one took responsibility. Actually exist on the web, it's like not to exist. Nothing will be left after this avalanche of poets, journalists and creators. "

" The second time that Bin Laden was interviewed after a crazy night . The truth was quite handsome. And the third time, was in Carabanchel Alto. We spent long hours talking about death. I invited him to come into the lab-room where I try to make the new man. He saw the man again unfinished draft on the table and was quite surprised but for a moment gave him creepy, but soon fell in love with the new man. When we went to bed I said "respect me?" "A man always a man" Bin Laden knew the entire script of "Dawn which is something ""

Dominguet: we talk about death?
Bin Laden: Actually there is no death, there is only life. There is only the living.
Dominguet: "And then you die?
Bin Laden: many years that I am an active militant of the "modern ETA" a radical union of poetry. I live between High and Bridge Carabanchel Vallecas
Dominguet: Ostia! Like me!
Bin Laden: .. I mean if I am in the modern ETA, I have necessarily be live
Dominguet: What are the reasons for spreading rumors about your death?
Bin Laden: I have actually died
Dominguet: "But you said a moment ago you were alive?
Bin Laden: If you were dead would not be talking to you
Dominguet: could be more clear and explicit. Remember, it takes many years doing work stultifying
Bin Laden: me explain. Bin Laden will be dead man. Who was murdered was necessary for many reasons
Dominguet: What?
Bin Laden: A) for splitting the movement of Arab and Islamic revolts B) To strengthen the internal image of Obama C) To establish the myths of violence
Dominguet: If, right? All this to make up positions in the appropriation of oil
Bin Laden: Possibly, I'm not an expert
Dominguet: And now?
Bin Laden: Bin Laden calling continue, to work actively in the modern ETA, establish links between ETA and the modern world of Islam, ie, consolidating and further towards the critical anti Jainism and industrial.
Dominguet: And Chuck?
Bin Laden: Of course, the former Chuck rebuild

Monday, May 2, 2011

Desert Eagle .50 For Sale Canada

May 2 The International Day of No Work May Day

Dominguet and Laura Marx, who know and love a May 2

the day which met Laura Marx Dominguet

Dominguet Every year warns: "Hey, today is May 2, Labor Day No!"

Today Dominguet would miss work. You still have a while to call and say, "I can not go, I can not." Of course not give any explanation, is not going to lie. Today has removed the portrait of Marx and has been that of Paul Lafargue . If so you end up working out today, no one will find this cuarentagenario diligent, but an indolent and unshaven. If you end up heading for the job today and find a girl you like, say "It's the 2nd of May, International Day of leisure. Missed work" Then, if you dare Dominguet and pass your finger across the cheek it would discover that Laura called Marx and if he would, would become the beginning of a delightful love story.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Kind Of Doctor Treats Hips

in Chuck

May A first either while the disaster knocks

May Dominguet The first dream had much sleep. When you are tired is less anxious.

Being tired, very tired, shuffling walk. Still, it looks like a zombie. Sometimes, when tired nothing affects you, you can click he will look with a sidelong smile. Sometimes, when tired, very tired, and if it drops a pin to the ground, trembling as if it had exploded next to a ten-kiloton nuclear bomb. When she reached home, he has desired Dominguet into bed.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blueprints Of Wolfe Manor

The Abolition Of Work - Part 1

The abolition of

Dominguet approached one of the manis of May. This is what I saw

imagining He had all year handing out panfletitos we worked against the death on May. But time did not write or photocopy. If still alive next year, promises to have a few facts, even a cartel. The sign with the name of "The Modern ETA, which undoubtedly will bring some problems and misunderstandings. Still do not know very well that will look, may look like a comic. The highlights of the demo of May 1 were:

A) Meet with an alien and a friend
B) Finding out about him was full of couples
C) I always feel the same. When one of those who occupied the platform said "Long live the struggle of the working class" Dominguet could only think of a trout.

Funny Invitation Wording Wedding For Friends

The Abolition Of Work - Part 2

( Here was Part 2 of Sound, "The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black , which has been inadvertently deleted)

abolitionist work we are only 4 or 5 in the world. Gaia seeks us with his eyes impatiently

The abolition of

is a can be the abolitionist work increasingly gloomy times, in which everyone is afraid of losing their jobs. Our task only bring misunderstanding and contempt. Both the right and the left accuses us

luckily Dominguet advocates the abolition of work. What has he got some ideas thank you forever. Have fallen on good soil. The abolitionists are the key to the reconstruction of Chuck, in fact are called to stop the diabolical triad: ecological crisis, energy crisis and climate change. Most of the work of all we serve, and everyone eats. Everyone eats. Open the refrigerator and meet it full of food has shown that it was a lie. The magic fridge there. The computer sexadores, the signatories of the death penalty, draft pyramids, clean spray designers ficus, workers and bosses, are offices to extinguish. Deleted all unnecessary work and dead, the sky will open , oil future generations will not choke, environmental collapse will pass.

Color Chart For Feria

more about modern ETA

The modern ETA finds that time limits are exceeded, and takes action

The modern ETA

ETA to belong to the modern one should raise his hat and head off a lot of prejudice.

Being a modern ETA is to be a low-tech tool. An ETA should go biking or rollerblading to Alicante before a guy in a truck or car or supersonic aircraft. Long ago showed men new generation, still going very slowly, if we got before. To understand the modern ETA must understand the principle of nonviolence ETA, especially when at this very moment, for once the thresholds biocapacity the planet, we are leftovers some hundreds of millions if not billions , and you are among them . A technical agriculture and oil-based, both in its machinery, as in his oil-derived fertilizers give us a bleak picture. The situation is the following: A) A global population has grown to keep pace with the massive consumption of fossil fuels B) tools that kill and much kill. These two factors relate to agriculture as an industry in collapse. That's when the modern ETA enters the scene, carrying a bouquet of flowers in hand and goes barefoot. Has no chance, but nevertheless, he is the only possibility.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I Have The Circle Worm

Why has entered Dominguet ETA?

Jain iconography seems promising

Possible of ETA

Dominguet are thinking to name the group of radical poetry someday awake. It had occurred to call the name of ETA

still only suggestions to be proposed to the assembly, and how the radical poetry group has no members, except Dominguet himself, of course, any decision alter the future of the organization. ETA's proposal includes measures paquetete, how the free exchange of fluids and hugs, as an economic model permaculture and urban design, go barefoot assemblies (we wash the feet of one another). Open sharing of knowledge and wisdom, the gift and the gift without correspondence as a model of social organization, the abolition of classes, programs research for development of creativity without limits and study and creation of complex tools and technologies, such as cycling, mop or sailing, boost falling in love as an inexhaustible source of productivity, creation of an army without weapons, citizenship training from his childhood in the individual and collective civil disobedience, collective care as a new model of Social Security, introduction of Jainism godless rationalist and leveling as a religion of the majority of the population, if absolutely necessary religion

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Install Front License Plate Bmw Dealership Free

New book presented at the Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires

Look where we look, we are always geometric shapes. Whether in a city, an office, a forest or the sea. Subtle to become dense, crystallizes and becomes visible to our eyes drawing shapes in space. Already in ancient times knew the intimate relationship between energy, form and function and as such has been reflected in buildings distributed throughout the cultures of the world: pyramids, temples, plazas and cathedrals that comes through in an orderly fashion on life and harmonize us here on Earth with something that is above us, there in heaven. What is Sacred Geometry provides information simple and profound to interpret the language of geometry and reveal the messages contained in the golden ratio, the number phi and simple figures, like the golden spiral, the 5-pointed star, the octagon and others. What makes it sacred geometry is the ability to save in its essence the key that opens the door to tune with the Order, Balance and Harmony to participate in the construction of the universe.

ISBN: 9789875821064

Editorial: DEVAS

Pages: 112

Size: 215x150x6 mm.

Gallbladder Polyps Pregnancy

How to build a town jail

The only abuse they suffer users the prisons of the people shall be the daily use of this uniform. Maybe it's humiliating, segregating or leveling, but even Dominguet proposed this because he seemed very nice

Town Jail Dominguet

Dominguet takes some time thinking about whether to build a town jail. Dominguet It is true that the few people in Chuck supporter of the abolition of prisons, but is driven by the current of history, it takes a surprising decision.

To build a town jail must start from an initial premise is also Dominguet people. Infinitisimal a part of town, but people. The sensible thing is that this prison is located on the same floor of Dominguet. It is unacceptable to place Dominguet jail people on the floor of the neighbor, or is paid with taxpayer money, let alone with the inmate's own money, or that it is a business. So far we have built jails for the people, but what Dominguet proposed today is a town jail. To explain to readers' Terrible! "The operation of the Prison Ombudsman, we have developed a simple tutorial so that you too can build its prisons porpias people.


To operate a jail
people must first stop element
Booty eg

tercergrado No bond or
remain locked
one hour to 30 years

take beers daily Le
give you foot massages

food we will
the dinner will
if you like

the sleep in the bed
and we on the couch

daily financial talk
and the global energy crisis

scones and tea will bring you
and if you want to escape to escape

prisoner was never

The front door was always open

If you decide to build a town jail should not forget that prison inmates do not contain the people and the aim of these nice prisons is rehabilitation and reintegration into a socialist future world devastated by the end of the age of oil, coal and uranium.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discharge Is Very Thick

Proposal for the creation of the hen-person. If the locals believe that this is bullshit, the door to the future 1. would close and would pass to the future 2, which appear even more, men hen

Here is a picture of La Gallina New look for the first time horizon. The editors of this newspaper is convinced that this chicken will be free anarchist or belong to a new type of communist party, to be finally abandoned faith in the myth of progress ultratécnico

chicken New Model for Chuck survive

In our daily burnt dick sudan, are the slaughter of 200,000 chickens by rising grain prices

There are two paths to the future. A choice. Future 1) kindly started raising chickens. In other words, chickens Aque when they see us, give jumping for joy, and acurruquenn on the couch next to us and put an egg every night in our house slippers . In the morning, climb into bed and peck the tip of our ears, waking up and watch with curious eyes donos. Taught where they have to place your chicken , we use it as fertilizer in our garden group. It will be difficult to kill this new breed of chicken, we probably will not ever but if one did, the cut off the neck while kissing and crying and saying "I love you"
If we choose the other path, the junction that leads to The F UTURE 2 ) 2 find that the future will consist in raising men, men, hen. Live in overcrowded and fragmented. They were given antibiotics in their daily diet, and will all be subject to commercialization. Where appropriate, due to high grain prices are slaughtered

Friday, April 1, 2011

Remove Sony Xplod Stereo

Gratitude Earth to Heaven

Gratitude Message from Earth to Heaven inspired by the Meeting of Hearts in the City of Light Santa Fe, Argentina in March 2011 and represented no words from the
silence of the geometry and color.
Use it as you feel it if you want to see from
very, very, very far.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Examples Dermal Piercings

Parking spaces

Plaza Jakuna (2m x 2m) $ 110

Pelotero Inflatable + 100 balls
slide mini (2 steps)
Trunk Up & Down Rocker
Caballito Caballito Manakin
little car limousine
Duravit Blocks
eva rubber blocks with numbers and letters
Hippo walker

Recommended for the cheeky s of 10 months has sta 2 years.
Size: 2 mx 2 m (4 eva rubber tiles)
Area ap rop i ado: 2.50mx 2.50m

Plaza Matata (2m x 2m) $ 100

Pelotero Rigid 1m x 1m + 200 balls
slide medium (3 steps)
Up & Down Caballito Caballito
Rocking Dino
Buggy toy cars

Recommend to Chiquis to 3 to 4 years.
Measurements: 2m x 2m (4 eva rubber tiles)
opioid apr Space: 2.50mx 2.50m

Plaza Jakuna Matata ( 3m x 2m) $ 150

Slide Medium (3 steps)
little car Buggy
Upload and Baja Caballito
Pony Rocker
Dino Rocker
Cocinita + 14 accessory
Changuito fruits and vegetables
Saltarin Rosa
Green Saltarin
+ ball basketball hoop
Bowling (10 sticks and 2 balls)
can add to the plaza jakuna matata 2 babies, Lola and Pedro, with no additional cost.

Recommended for Chiquis of up to 4 years.
Size: 3m x 2m (6 eva rubber tiles)
appropriate Area: 3.50mx 2.50m