Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Boat Wood Stoves For Sale

Dominguet and revolutionary adventures

Every day in the Puerta del Sol de Chuck, in your place!

Dominguet dawn has come home, she has showered, has stretched a bit, and has become long in the Puerta del Sol This is what I said.

"It's a festival without beginning or end. It is morning and we meet in assemblies, committees, subcommittees. Not to work. La Puerta del Sol Mandrel is literally occupied by free men and women. At times I have moved and I took notes, the truth, very confusing, particularly because sleep overcame me. Beats me. All working groups are open to all and discussed in common. It is proposed, is provided. The proposals will lead to the general assembly. It organizes everything from restlessness to search for provisions, the passive resistance in case of eviction, the Spokesman ... discusses a broad shown in constant growth. I've heard all kinds of proposals, brave, from the nationalization of banks, the daily call at 20:00 of the Merger, the possibility to call the strike without the union, the withdrawal labor reform and pension reform ... The organization is absolutely horizontal. I have a headache, but whatever. A parrot is perched on one of the shelters and repeats: "Hey guys, here and now." Something good has come unexpectedly Chuck would be a shame to let him go "


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