Monday, May 16, 2011

What Kind Of Hair Lauren London Have

mani May 15

Dominguet was there! Since he is angry as he refuses to do is handle is a photograph of Neorrabioso to illustrate the article

Some considerations about May 15

Hi buddies . The wording of Terrible! is running, but very sleepy. Before the conditional expert opinion Dominguet and thinking about the events and the future of what might be called "Movement of May 15 or something like that, it was decided to say something about it.

"Alert!" Here and now, boys! "One of the most surprising of manis May 15 is that any and all who were there were very handsome. We found realize that the center of the world was not in the citi financial controls, but there .. In fact, 15 May manis, not only were the center of the world but the future. But the little parrots that ETA has Moderna released in a ekintza by Chuck, do not cease to repeat: "Warning!" "Here and Now boys!" Indeed, the enemy is everywhere. The hosts are going to come from all sides regarding the motion of May 15 to grow a little more and get into the ground others believe him. They are already preparing journalists in all media to begin the task of discredit or none. Hope that some, few dare to speak loud and clear. Hey! We're not going to happily give the word. The inertia of organizations try to prevent the departure of an independent citizens' movement or try to co-opt. We must resist any poison apple, you have to resist the movement of May 15 be recovered, if it occurs deflate the movement. Boys, in spite of our disgust and horror to politics, everyone who had been there at the time policy. And I knew. Girls, let's make history! "


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