Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wedding Prayers Of The Faithful 2010


English DNI
photo of bin Laden

Bin Laden speaks English!

" The first time I interviewed Bin Laden was in Barcelona. Then I was periodistilla of a digital newspaper called "Terrible sorcerer anarchist." Unfortunately, due to the tecnocensura, the newspaper was erased from cyberspace, and no one took responsibility. Actually exist on the web, it's like not to exist. Nothing will be left after this avalanche of poets, journalists and creators. "

" The second time that Bin Laden was interviewed after a crazy night . The truth was quite handsome. And the third time, was in Carabanchel Alto. We spent long hours talking about death. I invited him to come into the lab-room where I try to make the new man. He saw the man again unfinished draft on the table and was quite surprised but for a moment gave him creepy, but soon fell in love with the new man. When we went to bed I said "respect me?" "A man always a man" Bin Laden knew the entire script of "Dawn which is something ""

Dominguet: we talk about death?
Bin Laden: Actually there is no death, there is only life. There is only the living.
Dominguet: "And then you die?
Bin Laden: many years that I am an active militant of the "modern ETA" a radical union of poetry. I live between High and Bridge Carabanchel Vallecas
Dominguet: Ostia! Like me!
Bin Laden: .. I mean if I am in the modern ETA, I have necessarily be live
Dominguet: What are the reasons for spreading rumors about your death?
Bin Laden: I have actually died
Dominguet: "But you said a moment ago you were alive?
Bin Laden: If you were dead would not be talking to you
Dominguet: could be more clear and explicit. Remember, it takes many years doing work stultifying
Bin Laden: me explain. Bin Laden will be dead man. Who was murdered was necessary for many reasons
Dominguet: What?
Bin Laden: A) for splitting the movement of Arab and Islamic revolts B) To strengthen the internal image of Obama C) To establish the myths of violence
Dominguet: If, right? All this to make up positions in the appropriation of oil
Bin Laden: Possibly, I'm not an expert
Dominguet: And now?
Bin Laden: Bin Laden calling continue, to work actively in the modern ETA, establish links between ETA and the modern world of Islam, ie, consolidating and further towards the critical anti Jainism and industrial.
Dominguet: And Chuck?
Bin Laden: Of course, the former Chuck rebuild


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