Thursday, May 5, 2011


A Times New Roman Chinoy

your voice comes from the lungs of the stones
is snow in the blood and brain brine
decrease of bleeding sun and moon as threshed
wedding dress stored in a guitar case

an abandoned airplane wing takes flight with your song
a dragon awakes from coma to cast fire from his mouth
verify that the zenith is a bird hit by a bullet
flower powder is exhausted in the perfume
accursed flower

bound as children drink milk from the breast of America
one flag buried in the bark
Decapitated Chicken meat no longer holds the view
or starving children looking for Hammock
always halfway to heaven spare

rainwater to wash our feet between us
and newspaper to wrap the crucifixes
break bread and be infinite
is a single glass of wine
to pour into the sea wave of blood which
and throw the empty bottle with a message:
a blank
the poem not even write
zero zero /
origin earth tearing roots
our own hands in the morgue looking for
to have our eyes that

Here is some Songs Videos Chinoy

Chicken meat

flower Llegaste

We both


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