Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cocky Concited Quotes


about 12 years ago I built my first dollhouse .... we had no information that there are now ... Internet access was relatively small, mostly for business-related issues ....

I loved (and I love them) manual labor so courageous undertook the arduous task ... I laugh just to remember ...

Following a suggestion from my friend Marci, I thought of building it in plaster ... so I bought some plates and saw in hand I began to assemble ... was a real odyssey ... I do not want to tell you how difficult it was to open doors and windows ....

finally got to build a true craft ... All the furniture was made by me, fabric, sticks, bits of wood, some kit that was prior to build piece of furniture ... The house was discovered from above, and she would play from there ... The roof is constructed of foam board ... to compensate ...

I went crazy my friends, and even when I managed to finish celebrate opening party and all ...

was a Christmas gift for my niece and goddaughter Naiara, was then 4 years old and I am convinced that the effort never really knew that I accounted for this gift ...

worst was transported .... You can not imagine what they weigh plaster plates, ha, ha, ha ...

Unfortunately we did not have digital cameras then, believe me I've gone through all my albums to find some image ... I do not think I took any photos ...
Of the lucky recipient if you I have: Behold Naiara when he got the house:

The house has survived ... are just some mueblecillos ... which are quite deteriorated ... I am content to know that she enjoyed it and after her sister ... then kept building ... and still continue .... but now for adult collectors ...


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